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rất vui được gặp bạn,
​nice to meet you,


Thank you for your interest in my space.


​I believe when you have got into this section, you do want to know and connect with me more deeply. And me either!


I'm a Graphic Designer & Illustrator from Vietnam, working mainly in commercials and advertising. My work usually celebrates ordinary moments (of families for example), memories, feelings and storytelling.


Besides drawing, I love to and mostly get inspired from doing crafts (using literally my hands), collecting quirky, funny stuff (from antique and secondhand shops), and spending time with my loved ones.


​Although holding a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, my wish to make ordinary moments special is the "star" that has led me in my journey of making art until now.


If you want to have me accompany in your creative projects or collaborations, please feel free to drop a 'hello' at:​


Have a lovely day!


"experience lessons" I've taken

full-time working
​where I found the most amazing people​

​MoMo E-wallet

Creativehunts Agency


I have been lucky to work with


Zalo, OMO, O'Star, HiPP, Chinsu, PNJ, Zing PR, Diana Unicharm

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© 2023 by Ngan Nguyen.

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nice meeting you,

leave me a message of whatever sparked joy in you!

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